How excited I was when these two women passed me in town on their bicycles!

You see people from all over the world here, but I’ve never run across an Amish visitor.
I called to them to stop so I could say hello and introduce myself, as I’m always so eager to meet people of other cultures! Especially after having read Running with Sherman about an ultrarunner named Christopher McDougall who decided to start donkey racing. He lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, alongside Amish country, and even began running with other Amish folks in their club called Vella Shpringa (it means “gotta run” in Pennsylvania Dutch). It’s fascinating. Here’s an article about it so you don’t have to read the whole book right this minute. I asked these women if they’ve run with the club, but they haven’t heard of it.
A few months ago after reading the book, I was looking up refugees and learned that Lancaster County is the refugee capital of the United States. Another reason I’ve gotta go there! So I’ve had a thing for Lancaster lately. You can imagine my glee to encounter these two!
Their husbands are in town helping to build someone’s house, so they came along for the adventure. Make sure to welcome them. I hope to run into them again. I told them to stop by my house spontaneously anytime – I hope they will!
I asked their permission to be photographed and put on this blog.