On that physical therapy note, we often do things for ourselves when we need to, but avoid everyday healing like the bliss of a phenomenal massage. If you haven’t had a massage from Sarah Hane, you’re missing out. She is a natural. Aside from being good at what she does, she has such a fitting personality as an enthusiastic, loving, caring, kind, humble person who genuinely wants an experience for you that feels incredible and changes your state for the better. I’ve always said that if I had endless money and had to spend it on myself, aside from having a personal chef I’d have a personal masseuse. Sarah, that would be you.

Sarah’s Restore Massage studio is very conveniently located in downtown Eastsound where North Beach Rd and Prune Alley intersect at the stop sign and School Rd. It is a perfect space – peaceful, quiet, and removed even though it is so accessible.

To contact Sarah, email restoreorcas@gmail.com or visit her website here.