We’ve been visiting Santa in Deer Harbor every December since our kids were little. They were sick in bed this whole past week of school before their break, which was such a bummer for them. Sometimes that happens – the sickness persists when kids want to be at school, then finally lets up right when school’s out and they have another two weeks off.
We decided a fun pick-me-up would be visiting Santa in Deer Harbor on Saturday, even though our kids are getting up there in age. It’s been an annual tradition for us all these years.

Thank you so much, Deer Harbor Women’s Auxiliary, for letting the event happen this year even though there’s a lot of sickness surging at the moment. Instead of canceling it altogether, thanks for rerouting it to be a quick, circular in-and-out. You all always put so much time and incredible generosity into it. You always help Santa find the most amazing gifts to give all the kids who visit.

Our kids are working on their gifts right now, learning new skills at the kitchen table as little snow flurries fall to the ground outside…

Love your boys photos.