The smoke lessened and the coolness of late fall descended this morning. We turned on the heater last week for the first time, sought out our warm slipper boots, and the dampness filled my jeans this morning, hanging by the open bedroom window. I washed my shorts for what may be the last time this year, and they might go in the drawer permanently until next May. It’s time to look in my closet and remind myself what I tend to wear from late October on.
We’ve had a great stint of sunshine, longer than expected – and so needed! Bike riding will quickly turn to driving the car where I need to go in the cold and drizzle.

I sit in the library, switching my seasonal habits now that things will be going internal again.

Halloween looms on the horizon, and I’m sure preparations are underway behind closed doors all over the island. How I’d love to peek inside and see all of the kids’ creativity – and adults’! Preparations have been underway in our house for months.

May you enjoy the rapid seasonal changes that are happening daily, and I’ll see you out and about, now in jackets and pants, with steam rising above your cup.