Three years ago, I was trying to figure out some kind of short-term mission trip we could take as a family to help people. The point of it would be to find some talent our kids have that they can use to benefit other people. I mentioned to a friend that I’d rather figure out something local and long-term rather than foreign and short-term.
Immediately, she suggested that so many seniors need help with their technology, and our older son Evan loves technology.
So it began. The Senior Center welcomed Evan with open arms and began scheduling “Tech Time” in their monthly bulletins.
For the past three years, Evan has held a free, monthly class for seniors and their technology. (Thank you, Jami and Vicki!)
As you can see below, now that he is no longer homeschooling, he must find hours outside of school and Cross Country practice in order to help people. And whereas it was a free service in the past, he is now charging a nominal fee of $15 per hour, so that he can begin earning money while doing what he’s passionate about.
If you need help with any kind of device, feel free to call Evan at 376-2766 and he will find the time to help you. If you are not able to pay, he will gladly waive the fee. And now it’s not just for seniors, even though the paper gave it that title. It’s for anyone.

Awesome work! Hi to Evan and Levi and Mike too!