There are a lot of fun activities coming up next weekend, but sometimes there isn’t much to do on a Friday or Saturday evening here, especially for tweens and teenagers (and adults like me who like to have all kinds of good, clean fun!).
I am so thankful for Sea View Theatre over the years. As parents, you move from being the entertainment directors when you have young children to wondering what you all will do that’s different or out of the ordinary when the weekend comes. It’s wonderful that our island has now gotten back to its gatherings, potlucks, concerts, classes, etc., but I sure love the fact that there’s a movie every weekend just in case.
This past Friday, my son decided to see Jules at the theatre, but I was hesitant. In the end, I didn’t have any other ideas (and forgot about a girls’ gathering I had on the calendar that would’ve been fun), so I decided at the last minute to go too.
Turns out it was a really endearing movie. It could’ve been really silly had it been filmed or directed differently, but I felt quite captivated. I always judge a movie by whether I fully escaped – was I aware of being in a movie theatre or totally transfixed? Worse, did I ever feel like checking my watch? Not so with Jules. And there was a question-and-answer session afterward with the local director, so that was interesting as well.
All that to say, thank you again, Sea View Theatre, for providing this little island with somewhere to go for weekend fun. Sometimes it’s hard to go home – I might need a double feature some night soon when the time changes!