Our family’s Thanksgiving tradition since moving to Orcas Island is to luxuriate in a few days free of cooking and walk over to the Oddfellows Hall for their late afternoon Thanksgiving potluck feast (and come home to a clean kitchen!).
Turkeys and potatoes are donated by local businesses and cooked by volunteers. The rest of us bring one or two of our favorite dishes for the endless potluck table.
For the omnivore For the herbivore A million-dollar view Love the sampling
It’s a cozy, friend-full, and friend-making time, perfect when you have no relatives nearby – instant community family!
This time around was especially food-full. There were giant trays of turkey and potatoes left, and about 10 whole pumpkin pies untouched. The Oddfellow fellas urged everyone to take home as much as possible, so we came with a bowlful and left with a buffetful.
The magnetic dessert table
May you experience abundant buffets full o’ goodness and love this season. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Christmas music, here we come!……