Yesterday it began – 40 films spread over 5 days!

Here are the films:

Don’t miss the evening parties too, open to the public for $10 a pop or free to passholders!
The Opening Night Red Carpet Soiree was last night (Wed) from 5-7 PM, where guests got the chance to meet visiting artists, directors, writers, actors, producers, and fellow film buffs. The Odd Fellows Hall was transformed for the event:

Not too shabby outside the Odd Fellows either – what a time to be here as a visitor!

Tomorrow night’s chat-and-dance party is at the Odd Fellows from 7 PM to 12 AM, with DJ Bruce Pavitt.
Saturday night’s dance party will be a Bollywood Disco with DJ Prashant from 8 PM to 12 AM – costumes welcome!
For more information and to buy tickets, go here. Or pick up an OIFF paper at Sea View Theatre or Orcas Center:

See you at the movies!