It’s been a long, deep, all-day exhale. A much-needed emotional break for the limbic system.
I’m not one to watch much TV, especially in the daytime, but today I needed every second of the 5 straight hours I watched. Sitting motionless with rapt attention on the raw, real, uncommentated footage I found brought a moment-by-moment healing to my inner systems that longed to witness immaturity replaced by dignity, disdain replaced by respect, ego replaced by concern, and self-promotion replaced by servanthood.
A long-time emptiness was filled by watching our new leader acknowledge the virus, honor the victims, value honest communication, and display humble decency.
It wasn’t perfect. Just when I felt a sense of restored normalcy, Gaga and JLo represented our country in song. Entertainers they are, virtuous they aren’t. Will this new leadership remember to set the bar high as an example to our youth rather than trade morality for what’s hip at the moment? When will the flaunting of objectification finally fall to the rare rise of intentional innocence?
Singers aside, this new leadership is going full-steam ahead to fix our reputation with other countries, care for our planet, and take the pandemic seriously. It’s like parents coming in and cleaning up a tantruming toddler’s room, putting him to bed, and regaining peace in the house so the adults can attend to the bigger issues.
Until Donald, Jr. rides the tide of whatever propaganda flood his father plans to unleash over the coming years. I think Donald Trump will create his own media source to feed his need for attention. We haven’t seen the end of the gnawing Trump brand of dishonest zeal for power, and I believe his son will be next in line four years from now.
For now, we celebrate, rest, heal, and rebuild.
I look forward to no longer needing to periodically defend our country from its own leader with the written word. May this be a wonderful respite for several years.

Photo by Designecologist from the free stock photo website
Yep …. a huge sigh of relief. Thanks.
I don’t know if you saw the memorial on Tuesday night at the reflecting pool …. very touching, full of kindness, compassion, heart, and soul …. hoping those qualities are contagious …. no vaccine needed.
Wonderful inauguration festivities! Now if you still have all those questions about how folks could vote for T in 2020 after 4 years of craziness, and all the lies and fake news, checkout the very worthwhile documovie “The Social Dilemna”. Answered many many questions. I do believe a corner has been turned towards kindness, love, truth and science yet it will take time to heal the rift and divisions in our country. Hope prevails!