Cathy Ellis is a firecracker of a lady. You’ve seen her biking all over the place, living life like a 20-year-old. You’ve probably signed petitions she’s shown you on the ferry in order to protect the Orcas. Perhaps you went to her talk a few years ago about her volunteering work on the Mercy Ship in Africa. Or you may have known her since she was a registered nurse.
Cathy’s like the Energizer Bunny – she not only keeps on ticking, she flies right past most of us. She’s quick as a whip, fit as can be, and ready to take on the world in positivity.

Unfortunately, this nature-loving, people-loving, activist-for-all-the-right-things is moving off-island, and I will very much miss her go-getter spark, humor, and brightness.
Look out world, here she comes….