Heads up, Orcas Island! The Funhouse has some cool events coming up:
Sci-fi Saturdays (Every Saturday in April at 6 PM): Get ready for the Science Fair on May 3rd by attending the Sci-Fi Saturday Movie Series in April! Each Saturday night at 6 PM, food will be served along with a nostalgic episode of The Magic School Bus, then at 7 PM, a Sci-Fi movie, expertly selected by the Teen Funhouse Advisory Board. All ages are welcome to join until 7 PM to eat and watch The Magic School Bus, but the movie showing is for 6th grade and up. Here is the movie lineup:
April 5 – Arrival (PG-13)
April 12 – Men in Black (PG-13)
April 19 – Inception (PG-13)
April 26 – Back to the Future (PG)
Science Fair Weekly April Workshops (Every Tuesday in April from 3:30-5:30 PM) Stop by the Funhouse on Tuesday afternoons in April to get with your project. All ages are welcome and there will be staff ready to support kids’ science dreams. Free supplies and snacks provided.
SongLab (Sundays and Tuesdays from April 13-June 4) This is a songwriting and recording comprehensive course for ages 11-19 with Pedro Lopez de Victoria.
Technomages: An Exploratory 8-Week Tech Course (April 14-June 11 from 3:30-5 PM upstairs at the Funhouse) Get hands-on with technology: experimenting with electronics, building bots, coding apps, and conducting teardowns in the analog and digital world. Whether programming a game, creating a gadget, or exploring the wild wonders of AI, you’ll be learning by doing. No experience? Join the party! If you’re curious about how tech works, if you love to tinker, if you want to know why tech does what it does, this club is for you. Register on the Funhouse website.
Dia de los Niños (Wednesday, April 23, 3:30-5:30 PM) All are welcome at this celebration at the Funhouse. There will be food, fun, and games celebrating children.
Science Fair (May 3, 12-3 PM) Elementary, middle, and high school students are invited to register and test out the scientific method to try and win CASH PRIZES! Group projects are welcome, but you have to split the prize. Register online and enjoy science, pizza, ice cream, and a day of fun.
High School: 1st place $500, 2nd place $350, 3rd place $250
Middle School: 1st place $250, 2nd place $150, 3rd place $100
Elementary School: 1st place $100, 2nd place $75, 3rd place $50
Open Mic Night (Friday, May 16, 7-9 PM) SEEKING MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL MUSICIANS: The Funhouse is celebrating the opening of the new music room and recording studio by hosting a free, public, open-mic event for middle and high schoolers. Full bands, soloists, instrumentalists, and small groups are invited to sign up to share 1-4 songs (originals and covers welcome). The Funhouse will be taking sign-ups for the event up until the week of, but they’d like larger bands or groups confirmed by the beginning of May. Here is a link to sign up to perform.
FunFest (Friday, June 20, immediately after school) The 2nd Annual Funhouse FunFest celebrates the end of another school year. This is a free community event with waterslides, games, music, food, and more.
Music Lessons of All Kinds with Miss Mary (Ongoing) The Richie Moore Song Shop is officially open with lots of music classes to choose from: beginner group guitar lessons and music-making workshops, violin and ukulele classes, Kids’ Chorus, and Music with Miss Mary. Sliding-scale pricing and full scholarships are offered to make sure everyone can join. Check the Funhouse website for classes and workshop days, times, and registration.
Rainbow Club (Ongoing Every other Thursday from 6-8 PM) LGBTQIA+ teens and allies meet biweekly to eat snacks, chat, and craft together. All are welcome. Upcoming Rainbow Club dates are March 27, April 10, April 24, May 8 and May 22.
Youth & Young Adults with Disabilities (Ongoing Monday, Tuesday, and Friday afternoons) Weekly, ongoing programming for youth and young adults with disabilities and their caregivers: Monday Sewing, Tuesday Tea Time from 1-2 PM, and Friday Craft Time from 11-12:30 PM.
Cardboard Engineering is a new program coming soon.
Summer Camp registration opens on April 1st.
Register for all classes and events at www.funhousecommons.org. Volunteers from the community are welcome.
Call (360) 376-7177 with questions about anything.