Vote – It Matters

This was Kamala’s final 18-minute pre-election-day speech:

And this was Trump’s 2-hour verbal vomit (fast forward the video 2 hours and 15 minutes, where he begins speaking):

It is inconceivable to me that a person this negative, narcissistic, petty, immature, insulting, and rambling, who says nasty things about anyone and everyone and validates his followers to do the same with incredibly debased, lawless, hypocritical ideas and actions, and lies with any and every random statement that rolls off his tongue, has made it this far – again. It is sickening. I cannot tolerate how he talks “for” women, about migrants, and supposedly in line with God. The fact that he is standing at that podium says a LOT about our country, and humans in general. NOTHING and NO ONE gets me more ruffled than Donald Trump.

I can’t believe this is a candidate’s night-before-the-election speech. Nothing about it is dignified, respectable, mature, or presidential. It is an endless, crass, adolescent rant (and that’s an insult to adolescents, who are light-years beyond this in maturity). And if you believe Trump has any genuine belief in Jesus or connection with the bible, you are easily deceived. That must be said. I can’t believe ANYONE could entertain the slightest thought of being led by a blathering, obvious psychopath. You would think someone with such rot on the inside would want to conceal his lies, hate, racism, immorality, and xenophobia, yet he nauseatingly spews every last bit in every speech. It is pitiful.

How his children follow him and stand behind clapping and smiling in the last few minutes is the ultimate gut punch of the speech. How could anyone cheer on this filth, even with a dangling carrot of money and notoriety?

Do not align yourself with an erratic egomaniac – he stands only for himself, his gain, and his sickeningly skewed sense of reality. He is not even a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing. He’s happily transparent. If the blatant vileness isn’t obvious to you, beware that you are not easily blinded by any future immoral leader or false prophet.

I will say no more and I have no interest in debate on this.

Very rarely do I post anything political, and even more rarely do I say things so bluntly. But they must be said. If you search “Trump” on this blog, you will only find three other posts from the past:

Sept 2018: Trump’s Own Terrible Words

June 2019: Children, Be Encouraged by Trump

June 2024: I Will Not Stand Down Any Longer

The post’s cover image is from this site


  1. Thank you for your spot on opinion!

  2. If we elevate discussion from the pitty “he said”, and “she said”, what we see is the surprising inability of the US ruling core to produce candidates relevant to the present time. The baggage of severe issues (domestic and external) is accumulating and there is not only an absence of a rational plan to mitigate them, but a vacuum of understanding. Is American model of governance exausted itself?

  3. Thank you so much for having the courage to share this. It is a horror, his existence. I am devastated to discover how many allow his evil … I had no idea. I wish the best for everyone … what is best for all. May his “allow”ers learn enough to regret their loss of abilities, repair their damage, and ask for eternal forgiveness.

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