Work I Am in Search of…

I am in a deep phase of pondering what new things I would like to do on this earth, and I would love your thoughts, even if they are very much out of the box. I decided that one or many of you might have ideas about fascinating work opportunities (I am referring to paid ones, not volunteer), and I have always been keenly curious about tapping into what’s out there that isn’t always made public.

First, I’ll tell you some things I’ve been thinking about, many for which I have past experience:

  • Writer/Editor/Reporter/Journalist (I have done these in the past for various newspapers and magazines and have continued to do them naturally with this blog over the past 7 years)
  • Interviewer (It was a necessity in creating my Life on Orcas Island book, and it’s what I do constantly on Orcas Island)
  • Math, Reading, and/or English Tutor for 1st-7th grade homeschooling kids of parents who don’t want to teach all of the subjects throughout the year (I homeschooled 4 different grades with my own children and I’ve tutored 2 students each school year since 2021 at Orcas Christian School)
  • Senior Citizen Project or Bucket-List Helper/Facilitator for loved ones who need help working on their passions and goals or have significant bucket list items they want to accomplish while still on this earth (for example, I just helped my 93-year-old friend professionally self-publish two books of his stories, which are for sale locally at Darvill’s and globally on Amazon)
  • Senior Citizen Conversation or Out-Loud-Book-Reading Companion since people who are lonely need relationship and continued book learning just as much if not more than the tending of any of their physical needs
  • Immigrant/Refugee Liaison for people who are new to the country, need help figuring out how things work in the United States, need assistance in understanding the nuances of our language, etc.
  • Exercise Companion for senior citizens or anyone who needs companionship while staying in basic shape or building back up to athleticism after injury (I like to exercise as many hours of the day as possible and currently walk long distances, jog up Turtlehead and back, and paddleboard for hours on end, but I’m not communicating that I would require anything near that level of rigor; I also enjoy relationship and conversation and would not exert pressure to physically perform – it would be enjoyment- and happiness-based)
  • Event Escort for senior citizens, people with mobility issues, or people who are lonely and would like companionship for a few hours. (Platonic.)
  • Book Reader or Library Assistant of some sort


I have a beautiful office space that I may rent on an hourly basis for anyone who needs a bright, lovely, high-ceilinged, airy place in the heart of Eastsound and overlooking the town in order to hold meetings. Contact me at for more details. And… even though I have my own bucket-list projects going, if you have ideas about how I might work out of my office space for your needs, your company, or your organization, I’m very interested in hearing them.

Given these ideas, it’s possible that something popped in your head that I don’t know about that might be a perfect fit. If so, please email me at and I would love to chat with you.

Thank you so much, readers. I appreciate you.


  1. This is what we’re doing in Salem for refugees. Some ideas may be gleaned, but this kind of program would not currently work on OI.

  2. Edee, you are just amazing. I can’t believe all that you do or have done. Orcas is so lucky to have you. I hope you find something that uses your many talents and pays you well. Sending ongoing prayers to you.

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